Who Said That?

Single Player Game ⚫ 1 Blindfolded Player ⚫ 10 Participating Players ⚫ 1 Extra Player ⚫ 1+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played indoors

All the players form a circle standing behind each other. One person is then chosen to go in the middle and are blindfolded and spun around. They then say ";go!"; Everyone else starts walking in a circle around the blindfolded person, and stops where they are when the blindfolded person says ";stop!"; The person who is closest to being right in front of the blindfolded person has to say the name of the blindfolded person in a disguised voice. The person in the middle has to guess who said their name. If they get it right, they win, and the person who said their name is the new blindfolded person. If they get it wrong, the blindfolded person tells the group to start again and then to stop and has to guess again.

Source: From the original site.