Water Pour

Team Game ⚫ 2 Blindfolded Players ⚫ 2 Participating Players ⚫ 1 Extra Player ⚫ 3+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played outdoors

Clothing suitable for getting wet should be worn for this game! One player lies on the ground holding a large measuring jug. Another player is then blindfoled and handed a smaller jug. They are then spun around and placed in front of a large bucket of water. They then must fill their jug with water and pour it into the large just being held by their team mate. The player on the ground cannot move (it is important that a watcher makes sure the blindfolded person doesn't pour the water over their team mates mouth or nose) they can only direct their blindfolded teammate to where the jug is. Once the blindfolded player has poured 5 jugs of water, they swap with their team mate, who has to pour five jugs. The team with the most units of water wins.

Source: From the original site.