Team Steeple Chase

Team Game ⚫ 1 Blindfolded Player ⚫ 2 Extra Players ⚫ 2+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played indoors

Players divide into teams of two, each team takes it in turns to complete the course. A player from a team is blindfolded, the course is then setup. A obstacle course of large items to avoid and small ones to be stepped over is set up. The cousre should be quite long so a large room is needed or preferably play it outside. Once the course is setup, the team takes their turn, the player who can see has to verbably direct their blindfolded team mate. They have to complete the course as quickly as possible, once they have completed the course, the time taken is noted down, the blindfolded player and the sighted player swap places, the course is altered, then they have to complete the course and the time taken is noted. Another team then takes their turn in the same manner. Once all the teams have taken their turns, the team with the quickest time wins.

Source: From the original site.