Team Blindfold Basketball

Team Game ⚫ 4 Blindfolded Players ⚫ 2 Participating Players ⚫ 5+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played -

Two teams are created, each team has two players a fetcher and a thrower. Both teams stand at different ends of the court, then both the thrower and the fetcher are blindfolded. The throwers attempt to get the ball in the net, when they miss the fetcher has to find the ball by listening to the rest of their team. When the thrower gets the ball in the basket thier team gets a point. The fetcher then becomes the thrower and another fetcher is chosen. Once everyone in one of the teams has been a fetcher the game is over, the team to finish first wins. If the game goes on too long then the team with the most points wins.

Source: From the original site.