
Single Player Game ⚫ 2 Blindfolded Players ⚫ 8 Extra Players ⚫ 2+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played -

Everyone forms a circle around two players. They are both blindfolded and given a rattle. One is trying to tag the other. To get a fix on each other's position, either rattler may shake their rattle at anytime and the other must immediately respond by shaking theirs. However, the pursuer is allowed to initiate only 5 shakes to locate his quarry while the pursued can rattle away as much as they dare. The rest of the people in the circle move around, changing the size and shape of the snake pit. Once the purser has got their prey, the prey becomes the purser. The previous purser chooses someone else to be the new snake being hunted. The game is played until everyone has been hunted.

Source: From the original site.