Put The Eggs In The Nest

Single Player Game ⚫ 1 Blindfolded Player ⚫ 5 Participating Players ⚫ 5 Extra Players ⚫ 2 minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played -

You need to make several egg shaped objects, stiff card is good for this. Then you need to draw a birds nest onto a large piece of card and place this on a wall. The object of the game it to place the eggs in the nest while blindfolded. One player is chosen to go first, they are blindfolded and lead them to the center of the room (make sure that a large area has been cleared so that no one falls over anything). While blindfolded, slowly spin the player around two or three times to disorient them. Then step back and have them start to walk forward slowly. It is up to the other players to give the blindfolded player directions on how to get to the nest. One way to give directions is to tell the player that they are getting ";HOT"; when they are moving closer to the nest, and ";COLD"; when they are moving away from the nest. When the blindfolded player thinks he or she is close to the nest, they can then stick the eggs on the wall. Once each player has done this, the person whose egg or eggs is closest to the center of the nest is the winner!

Source: From the original site.