
Single Player Game ⚫ 4 Blindfolded Players ⚫ 4 Participating Players ⚫ 1 Extra Player ⚫ 2 minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played indoors

Everyone sits in a circle. Four players are the chosen. Each is blindfolded and moves into the circle's centre. A balled up sock or similar large soft object is thrown into the cricle. The blindfolded players must then try to locate the sock. Who ever find the sock first becomes the predator, all the people watching tell the other players by calling out "the Predator is born" The Predator then tries to hit the other three players with the sock, by throwing it to where they think a player is. When they hit a player that player is out and can take off their blindfold. The Predator has to hit all the players. Warning! players should move around slowly so that they don't bang each others heads or hurt themselves in other ways.

Source: From the original site.