Matching Blindfolds

Team Game ⚫ 4 Blindfolded Players ⚫ 1 Extra Player ⚫ 6+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played indoors

To start everyone is blindfolded with an eyemask. Then one by one, the leader will blindfold one in a certain way with a winter scarf/bandana/head scarf etc. Once they are blindfolded, the leader will blindfold another player in the same way. The leader then blindfolds pairs so that they have matching blindfolded, but a blindfold that is different in style and feel to everyone elses. Players are then mixed up and play starts. Players may not talk to each other, when they find someone, they have to feel the blindfold and see if it matches theirs. If it does, they have paired up and can remove their blindfolds, otherwise, they continue their search.

Source: From the original site.