I Need Help

Single Player Game ⚫ 5 Blindfolded Players ⚫ 1 Extra Player ⚫ 10 minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played -

Everyone is blindfolded and doesn';t speak for the whole time. A long rope should be tied around about 12 trees in a circle, or you could put chairs in a large circle and tie the rope around them. The blindfolded group will stand inside the circle, and will hold the rope with one hand at all times, they then move around the rope in the same direction once. The watcher then tells the group that they have untied a section of the rope and they must find the exit and tells them if they need help, raise their hand. The trick is that you don';t make an exit. After the players have gone around twice, tell them again ";If anyone needs help, raise your hand."; This exercise shows people how sometimes you can';t do things on your own and you need to ask for help, and it';s okay to ask for help.

Source: From the original site.