Geodesic Factory

Team Game ⚫ 12 Blindfolded Players ⚫ 1 Extra Player ⚫ 30+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played outdoors

A fun activity that can involve four teams together. As the scenario goes, the teams work at the ";Geodesic Factory"; which produces pyramidal geodesic structures. A representative from each team is informed that Bucky needs the team's help to produce a part of this structure, shaped as a perfect triangle and formed from some flexible line. During the process, everyone in the group wears protective eyewear (blindfolds). After each team gets its perfect triangle formed, they combine it with three other triangles from other production teams to form a perfect pyramidal structure. The four triangles need to be the same size in order to form the pyramid. This activity is about coordinating leadership and sharing a ";vision"; within and among teams to complete a project.

Source: From the original site.