Fox Hunt

Single Player Game ⚫ 1 Blindfolded Player ⚫ 1 Participating Player ⚫ 1 Extra Player ⚫ 2+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played either indoors or outdoors

This game is played like Blindman"s Bluff. The players who are to be the rabbits take a bandana and put it in their back, so it"s dangling down. This is their tail. Another player then electes to be the blindfolded player, they are blindfolded and the other players scatter. The blindfolded player must now try to catch the tail of a player and not the player. THEY CANNOT GRAB THE PLAYER AND TAKE THEIR TAIL. Once they catch a players tail, the two swap places.

Source: From the original site.(Submitted by: Sonja)