Bottle It

Team Game ⚫ 2 Blindfolded Players ⚫ 2 Participating Players ⚫ 1 Extra Player ⚫ 1+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played indoors

For this game you will need some empty bottles, some string and some pens. Players are divided into teams. One player in each team elects to be the blindfolded player they are then given a pen which has been tied to a string. They have to tie this to themselves so it dangles and hangs just above the height of the bottles. They are then blindfolded and spun around. The bottles are placed on the other end of the play area. The blindfolded player"s team member has to direct their partner to the bottle and then guide them on how to get the pen into the bottle. The can only use their voice for this. Play continues until everyone has got their pen into the bottle.

Source: From the original site.