Blindfolded Closet

Single Player Game ⚫ 1 Blindfolded Player ⚫ 2 Extra Players ⚫ 5 minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played indoors

All the girls who come need to bring several outfits, about 7 works. Hopefully all the girls will be the same build or somethings may not fit. When everyone has arrived the outfits should be shown then mixed up in a large pile. One girl is chosen to be it first, she is blindfolded, (make sure she can't peek under her blindfold) she should then be spun around, she then has to find the pile of clothes. She then is instructed to find an outfit. Once she has done this her go is over, the outfit is put back and another girl has a go.

Source: From the original site.(Submitted by: Tammy)