Blind Host

Single Player Game ⚫ 1 Blindfolded Player ⚫ 2 Participating Players ⚫ 20+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played either indoors or outdoors

Before the game is started the host and guests agree how long the host, who will be "IT" for the duration of the game will be blindfolded for, 20 minutes is a good starting point, but you could make it last an hour or more if desired. Once the time has been decided, one of the guests then blindfolds the host. She should ensure that the blindfold is comfortable and very effective. (if it will be worn for a long time, make sure it's not too tight, consider using a double blindfold, if this is the case) Once the host is blindfolded, she must then carry out tasks deciced upon by her guests and maybe play some of the other blindfold games listed here. Maybe having to do everyone's nails for instance. Ideas for tasks could be; get each guest a drink in turn, draw each guest a picture of her choice, etcDon't have her do anything nasty or dangerous!!

Source: From the original site.