Blind Baskets

Team Game ⚫ 2 Blindfolded Players ⚫ 2 Participating Players ⚫ 1 Extra Player ⚫ 3+ minutes Blindfolded ⚫ Played indoors

Teams of two players are formed. In these teams one player will be the thrower, the other the catcher. The throwers stand on one side of the play area and the catchers stand about 10 feet away on the other side. The throwers are then blindfolded and the catchers are given a basket or something similar to catch the thrown items in. A stack of scrap paper is then placed in the middle of the play area. The blindfolded players must then listen to the verbal commands of their team mate, who directs them to the pile of paper. The player must then return to their starting position, where they screw up the paper into a ball, which they then thrown towards their team mate, who must try to catch it in their basket. Any paper balls thrown infront of the starting position don"t count. The first team to catch 10 paper balls wins.

Source: From the original site.